All that shimmers is not only Gold – Choosing a ring thats right for you.

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Traditionally it was the grooms job to choose the wedding bands. Nowadays couples choose together or the bride chooses her groom’s ring.

Like with most things these days you are presented with a choice of various styles and metals.So how do you choose which one is the right fit for you? Lets look at the  main types of metals available and the characteristics of each one.

A rare, natural white metal known for its strength and purity — platinum is usually 95-percent pure.

Extremely durable
Naturally hypoallergenic so it won’t irritate sensitive skin.
When platinum scratches, there is very little metal lost, so your ring will withstand years of wear.
Pure-white metal, it won’t cast any tint onto your center stone.

Yellow Gold/White Gold
A natural yellow metal gets combined with different metal alloys for added strength —

70- to 75-percent pure.
Available in a rainbow of colors, including white, green, and pink .
Yellow gold is turned into white gold when the surface is plated with rhodium, however, so the coating may eventually wear away and return to its original color.
Widely available and less expensive than some other metal options
Various added alloys mean you can personalize your hue.

A lustrous silver-white metal, this natural ore is also used as an alloy in white gold.

Similar to platinum, palladium won’t tarnish.
Very flexible, and is hypoallergenic, but palladium’s lower density makes it less costly.
It has a darker, grayer tone than platinum.


This sturdy metal has a cool, gray finish or can be a polished black.

The tough name and rugged style of this metal makes it particularly ideal for men’s bands.
Corrosion-resistant and hypoallergenic, titanium is as strong as steel but as weightless as aluminum, making it perfect for men who don’t normally wear any jewelry.

Tungsten Carbide
Durable metal that is dent and scratch resistant.
Very heavy
8 on hardness scale (10 – diamonds)
Permanently polished
More brittle than other metals
Cannot be resized.
Read more about this metal here.

Something to think about isn’t it? Good luck with choosing your rings. I hope I my post made your choice a bit easier.

Happy Planning Girls


Wedding Party App

Hi brides to be. Just look what I came across. An amazing application that can be downloaded by Android and Iphone users where they can upload and share images of your wedding.

This ultimately saves you on buying expensive disposable cameras and printing . You can personalize your information and the website is packed with tips and information on how to utilize the app. Definately worth a try. Go over to and see for yourself.

The best wedding photo ever


Photo Credit : Quinn Miller Photo + Design

Photo Credit : Quinn Miller Photo + Design

Hello brides to be. I hope you are still keeping your heads above water and have not lost the plot yet. I came across this post on Facebook about a wedding photo featuring a giant T-Rex dinosaur as an uninvited guest. The image has gone viral and have been popping  up on various social networks. The image was taken by Quinn Miller.You can read the full Huffington Post article here.

I think this is such an awesome picture. You only get married once and why  not add some fun to your day. Maybe instead of a dinosaur you can add King Kong or a giant snake. Let your imagination run wild, think out of the box and create wonderful memories that will have people talking for years to come.

Happy Planning!